Marks distribution: Total marks – 300

Category Details Marks Total Marks
Written MCQ (Multiple True Or False 10 & Single Best Answer 10) 20 100
Structured Essay Question (SAQ) & Structured Essay Question (SEQ) 70
Formative Assessment (FA) 10
SOE Structured Oral Examination 100 100
Practical Objective Structured Practical Exam (OSPE) 50 100
Traditional 40
Practical Notebook 5
Integrated Teaching 5
Grand Total 300

[Students will prepare a short case report after each integrated teaching and will submit to all the departments of the respective phase. If a total 5 classes of integrated teaching occur, students will submit 5 such reports.]


 Related Equipments

Hot air oven, Bunsen burner, Slide & cover slip, Pipette, Micro pipette, Gram staining, Acid fast staining and other staining materials, Different reagent, Bino-ocular and teaching microscope, Microscope with projection (magnified system), Centrifuge machine, Colorimeter, Spectrophotometer, Incubator, Balance, Water bath, Cell Counter, Autoclave, Computer, Electrolyte and gas analyzer, ELISA reader, Petri dish, Automated blood culture machine, Gene expert, PCR machine etc.


Learning Objectives and Course Contents in Microbiology

General Bacteriology


Introduction of Microbiology

  • Brief historical background
  • Branches of Microbiology
  • Legends in the field of Microbiology
  • Koch’s postulate, molecular Koch’s postulate, the limitations and new adjustments
  • Concept of medical biotechnology in relation to Microbiology
  • Importance and scope of Microbiology in medical science

Bacterial cell

  • Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells with examples
  • Different structures of the bacterial cell and their functions
  • Brief description of the cell wall of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
  • Spores structure and clinical importance
  • L-forms, protoplast, spheroplast, clinical importance of L-form

Bacterial classification and staining

  • Nomenclature of Bacteria
  • Classification by staining, morphology, oxygen requirement, temperature requirement
  • Staining- Theoretical basis and clinical significance of Gram stain and Z-N stain, Albert stain, Auramin-Rodamin stain
  • Practical staining: Gram stain, Z-N stain and Albert stain

Nutrition and Cultivation of Bacteria

  • Nutritional requirements for the growth of bacteria
  • Growth curve: phases with clinical significance
  • Common bacteriological media: classification and uses

Sterilization and Disinfection

  • Definition, classification and applications of sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis
  • Methods of sterilizations: details of autoclaving, hot air oven and chemical methods
  • Sterilization of medical equipment and culture media
  • Disinfection of body fluid spillage and equipment
  • Preparation of disinfectants and their use

Antimicrobial agents

  • Definition of antibiotics, antimicrobial agents, chemotherapeutics, bacteriostatic, bacteriocidal, synergism, antagonism, selective toxicity, etc
  • Classification of anti-microbial agents
  • Mechanism of action on bacteria with examples
  • Drug resistance: origin, mechanism, transmission and prevention
  • Indication of combination of antibiotics in bacterial infection
  • Hazards of indiscriminate use of antibiotics
  • Defining MDR, XDR and PDR bacteria
  • Definition and importance of ESBL, MBL, MRSA, VRSA, VRE
  • Definition and importance of Biofilm

Host-Parasite relationship

  • Terms and Definitions.
  • Parasite and Host attributes
  • Normal flora, opportunistic pathogens and their clinical importance

Pathogenesis of bacterial diseases

  • Transmission of bacterial agents
  • Virulence factors: e.g. antigens, toxins, enzymes, invasiveness and their role in the pathogenesis of diseases with examples
  • Septic Shock

Bacterial Genetics

  • Bacterial genome, DNA, chromosome, plasmid, transposon, etc
  • Gene transfer in bacteria
  • Bacterial DNA replication
  • DNA recombination, principles of Cloning and genetic engineering


Systemic Bacteriology

  • Staphylococci: S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus, Enterococcus (VRE), MRSA, VRSA
  • Streptococci: Group A Streptococcus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Neissreia: N. gonorrhoea, N. meningitidis
  • Corynebacterium diphtheriae
  • Enterobacteriaceae: Classification: Salmonella, Shigella, Esch. Coli and other Enterobacteriaceae, definition and clinical significance of ESBL, MBL, and NDM-producing bacteria.
  • Vibrio cholera
  • Helicobacter pylori
  • Mycobacterium: M. tuberculosis, Atypical mycobacteria, and M. leprae, MDR TB, XDR TB
  • Anaerobic bacteria: Clostridium: Cl. tetani, Cl. botulinum, Cl. perfringens and other anaerobic bacteria
  • Bacillus: B. anthracis, B. cereus, B. subtilis
  • Spirochetes: Treponema pallidum
  • Important characteristics and diseases produced by: Rickettsia, Haemophilus influenzae, Haemophilus, ducreyi, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Nocardia, Actinomycetes species


  • Streptococcus Group D
  • Klebsiella, Proteus , Pseudomonas: P. aeruginosa , Aeromonas, Plesiomonas
  • Campylobacter jejuni
  • Bacteroides species
  • Clostridium deficille
  • Listeria
  • Burkholderia
  • G. vaginalis
  • Probiotics




  • Brief historical background
  • Basic concepts of immunity: Definition, classification, types and components with examples

 Immune system:

  • Organs, cells and soluble components

Antigens and Immunogens:

  • Terms and definitions: antigen, immunogen, hapten, epitope, paratope
  • Criteria of immunogenicity

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC/ HLA)

  • Terms and definitions, types and distribution, clinical and biological significance

 Immunoglobulins and Antibodies

  • Terms and definitions, classification, structure, biological properties and functions
  • Monoclonal antibodies


  • Terms and definitions, activation, biological functions and clinical significance, deficiency disorders

Mechanisms of immune response

  • Antibody and cell-mediated immune response
  • Primary and secondary immune response


  • Terms and definitions, classifications, mechanisms and clinical significance with examples
  • Atopy, desensitization
  • Tests for Type-I hypersenstivity reaction: Patch test, RAST, serum IgE assay

Transplantation and Tumor immunity

  • Terms and definitions, types and outline of prevention of graft rejection
  • Tumor antigens, role in diagnosis and clinical significance
  • Immunosurveillance

Tolerance and Autoimmunity

  • Definition and classification of tolerance
  • Terms and definitions, basic concepts and mechanism of development of autoimmunity

Immunodeficiency disorders and immunotherapy

  • Classification with examples
  • Agents of immunotherapy and biologics

Immunodiagnostic tests

  • Terms and definitions, types and applications in diagnostic medicine
  • Agglutination, precipitation, ELISA, Western blot test, PCR and RT-PCR





  • Introduction to parasitology, common parasitic diseases of Bangladesh, terms and definitions, classifications of parasites according to habitat
  • Host: definition, classification with examples

Intestinal, luminal and free-living protozoa


  • Classification
  • Geographical distribution, morphology, disease, clinical features, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and treatment
  • Extraintestinal amoebiasis

Giardia intestinalis and Trichomonas vaginalis

  • Morphology, transmission, disease, clinical features, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and treatment
  • Acanthamoeba, Naegleria, Balamuthia and Sappinia

Blood and Tissue Protozoa

Leishmania species: Classification, morphology, disease production

Leishmania donovani and PKDL

  • Geographical distribution morphology, lifecycle, disease, clinical features, pathogenesis laboratory diagnosis and treatment
  • Cutaneous leishmaniasis: Causative agents, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis and management
  • Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL)

Plasmodium species

  • Epidemiology, morphology, lifecycle, disease, clinical features, pathogenesis, complications, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Acanthamoeba, Naegleria, Balamuthia, and Sappinia

Toxoplasma gondii, Cryptosporidium, Balantidium coli

Cestodes and Trematodes

  • Classify according to habitat with examples
  • Common characteristics of Cestodes, Trematodes and Nematodes
  • Morphology, lifecycle, diseases, clinical features, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis of Taenia saginata and Taenia solium, Taenia asiatica

Echinococcus: Different species

  • Morphology, lifecycle, disease, clinical features, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis and treatment

Intestinal Nematodes

  • Geographical distribution, morphology, lifecycle, disease, clinical features, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis of Ascaris lumbricoides, Hookworm, Trichuris trichiura, Enterobious vermicularis, Strongyloides stercoralis
  • Larva migrans and larva currens
  • Hyperinfection syndrome

Tissue nematodes

  • Classification, morphology and mode of transmission, diseases produced by Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, B. timori
  • Morphology, lifecycle, disease (classical and occult filariasis, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia), clinical features, pathogenesis, complications, laboratory diagnosis and treatment of filariasis, periodicity of microfilaria, Provocative test
  • Parasites associated with cancer


Important characteristics and diseases produced by:

  • Hymenolepis nana, Diphylobothrium latum, Dipylidium sp.
  • Schistosoma
  • Trypanosoma
  • Loa loa, Onchocerca volvulus
  • D. medinensis
  • Fasiolopsis buski, Fasciola hepatica: habitat, disease, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis and treatment
  • Anisakis
  • Cyclospora, Cystoisospora, Sarcocystis
  • Trichinella



General virology

  • Introduction to virology, common viral diseases in Bangladesh
  • The basic structure of virus
  • Outline of viral replication
  • Classification
  • Lab diagnosis of viral diseases
  • Antiviral agents

Herpes viruses

  • Classification, important characteristics, diseases, important clinical features, transmission, pathogenesis, complications, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention
  • Latency and reactivation of Herpes viruses

Orthomyxo and Paramyxo viruses

  • Important characteristics, diseases, important clinical features, transmission, pathogenesis, complications, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and management

Hepatitis viruses

  • Classification, important characteristics, diseases, transmission, pathogenesis, complications, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and management


  • Important characteristics, diseases, transmission, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prevention
  • Merits and demerits of oral and injectable polio vaccine

Rabies virus

  • Important characteristics, diseases, transmission, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prevention and treatment, merits and demerits of different types of vaccines


  • Diseases, transmission, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment


  • Classification, important characteristics, diseases (AIDS), transmission, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment


  • Important characteristics, diseases (DHF, DSS), transmission, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment


  • Important characteristics, transmission, epidemiology, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment


  • Important characteristics, epidemiology, transmission, pathogenesis, organs involved, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and other Coronaviruses

Other Emerging viral diseases

Avian flu, SARS, MERS, Nipah, Swine flue, Zika, Ebola, etc

  • Important characteristics of the virus, important clinical features, transmission, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prevention

Oncogenic viruses

  • Definitions, list of oncogenic viruses with their associated tumors

 Latent and chronic viral infections





  • Introduction to Mycology, beneficial and detrimental effects, morphology, classification
  • Difference between fungus and bacteria
  • Antifungal agents and antifungal drug resistance

Superficial and cutaneous mycoses

  • Aetiological agents and diseases
  • Transmission and pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis of Pityriasis versicolor, Dermatophytosis

Subcutaneous mycoses

  • Aetiological agents and diseases
  • Transmission, pathogenesis and lab diagnosis
  • Rhinosporiodiasis and Madura foot

Systemic mycoses

  • Aetiological agents and diseases
  • Transmission, pathogenesis and lab diagnosis
  • Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcal meningitis, Candidiasis, Pneumocystis jirovecii, fungal ball, mycotoxin

Opportunistic fungal diseases


Clinical Microbiology


  • Collection of samples, transportation and storage
  • Microbial diseases of Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary diseases and Food poisoning
  • Microbial diseases of the Genito-urinary system
  • Microbial diseases of upper and lower respiratory tract
  • Microbial diseases of CNS
  • Hospital Acquired Infections
  • Microbial diseases of Bone and Soft Tissue
  • Microbial diseases of the Cardiovascular System
  • Microbial diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat
  • Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (Microbial cause with emphasis on blood culture)
  • Infectious disease control and prevention
  • Collection, transport, preservation and lab tests of samples collected from COVID-19 patients
  •  Use of different types of masks, sanitizers and PPE in the prevention of viral infections